Friday, July 8, 2011

ARCOTEL John F goes segway!

This summer you can find daily the ARCOTEL John F on one of the most modern urban means of transportation: the segway.

In cooperation with the firma Segtour-Berlin, our branded segway is to be seen all over Berlin Mitte. During the Berlin Gourmet tour, you can enjoy a coffee break at our stylish restaurant FOREIGN AFFAIRS.

This three-hour tour offers a mixture of lively storytelling, amusing anecdotes and culinary classics and secret tips. Thanks to its central location and its refined gastronomic offer, the ARCOTEL John F is one of the favorite tour stops!

But how does one feel on a segway?
It can actually be driven without much effort. You can accelerate or slow down intuitively, just by shifting your own weight forward and backwards.
After a couple of basic lessons, anyone can enjoy the exciting feeling of driving a segway. The only requirement is a motorbike licence.

Enviromentally friendly: the segway is one of the best alternatives to driving a car – not only due to its speed, but it is also equipped to carry luggage. Only 1.3 kWh of electricity with an ion battery are required for driving up to 40 km. At a speed of 20 km per hour, one can drive up to 200 km for only EUR 1!


Alan said...

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