Friday, April 25, 2014

BBQ Tips and Techniques from an Expert

Award-winning chef Johann Schwarz shares his secrets

It’s finally that time of the year again: Spring has come and is enticing us to come outside with balmy temperatures and fresh spring air. The first rays of sun also herald the beginning of the barbecue season, for whether you fancy fish or meat, food never tastes better than when it’s fresh off the grill.  

Award-winning chef Johann Schwarz offers some valuable tips and techniques to guarantee that your BBQ is a resounding success:

·        Fresh herbs are indispensable for a barbecue! Rosemary and oregano go well with beef and lamb, while marjoram and thyme go really well with pork. Poultry is best spiced up with sage. But don’t forget: the best way to get that perfect flavour is to leave the meat to marinate for a couple of hours.

·        Personally, I swear by a good old fashioned charcoal grill. The charcoal grill gives the meat its characteristic smoky flavour and creates that convivial barbecue atmosphere.

·         But be careful! It is essential that you get the charcoal to the right temperature! At the correct temperature of approx. 200°C the meat will become tender and lose less juice.

·        Everyone who has ever barbecued is familiar with the problem: Stomachs rumble but the charcoal simply won’t get hot. The solution is a chimney starter. This practical device will shorten the time you have to wait before you can start grilling and at the same time ensures that the charcoal is lit evenly.

·        And finally, guys, you’re much better off enjoying your beer straight away instead of pouring it over the meat. For a start, this dramatically reduces the temperature of the barbecue and secondly it churns up the embers and releases harmful particles that then stick to the food.


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